The Santa Fe Group (SFG) is a strategic advisory services company that focuses on board governance, risk management, cybersecurity and emerging technologies. The principals are experts in those areas as well as being former corporate executives. They provide briefings to corporate boards and C-Suite executives and manage the Shared Assessments Program, a membership organization of over 315 corporations focused on third party risk management best practices, thought-leadership, assessment tools and certification of professionals.

The newest venture of the SFG is a nonprofit, The Board Risk Committee (BRC), a thought leadership peer forum dedicated to board risk committee members and Chief Risk Officers (CROs). The BRC is a trusted place for the exchange of ideas and best practices in operational risk management. The purpose is to keep Directors and CROs current and informed, so that they can more effectively fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to them.

For more information, please visit:


Catherine Allen

Founder, Chairman and CEO, The Santa Fe Group

Teresa C. Lindsey

Chief Executive Officer, The Board Risk Committee

The Board Risk Committee website is currently under construction, please contact Teresa Lindsey to be invited to events and receive the Board Risk Report.