Searching for your next CEO? Don’t be starstruck.
Celebrity CEOs may be in fashion, and public image is undoubtedly part of the job. But the future CEOs who will awe and inspire us won’t be those trailed by paparazzi.
Celebrity CEOs may be in fashion, and public image is undoubtedly part of the job. But the future CEOs who will awe and inspire us won’t be those trailed by paparazzi.
CEO succession is not an event, but a series of actions orchestrated over the course of several years. Here are four tips on how to make this go as successfully as possible.
Recent incidents involving sexual harassment emphasizes the ticking time bomb for many organizations across industries: a complete absence or severely underdeveloped succession management capabilities.
The board and significant shareholders of J.Crew threw a short-term Hail Mary pass to prevent more senior executive departures.
A new analysis by The Conference Board and Heidrick & Struggles documents the latest CEO succession trends in the S&P 500. Here are five that should grab the ear of any leader wanting the corner office.
The news that Indra Nooyi, Pepsi’s long-time CEO, stepped down on Oct. 2 comes at a time when there are too few women in the
Chief Executive Group exists to improve the performance of U.S. CEOs, senior executives and public-company directors, helping you grow your companies, build your communities and strengthen society. Learn more at chiefexecutivegroup.com.