When CEO Retirement Is On The Horizon
When your current CEO can see the finish line, his or her behavior can have negative (unintended) consequences on the company. Some advice you can share with your outgoing leader.
When your current CEO can see the finish line, his or her behavior can have negative (unintended) consequences on the company. Some advice you can share with your outgoing leader.
Boards need an evolving and effective process for developing viable internal candidates. Five key steps.
CEO succession is not an event, but a series of actions orchestrated over the course of several years. Here are four tips on how to make this go as successfully as possible.
Lead directors, board chairs, and CEOs collectively bear the responsibility for ensuring the resources dedicated by the organization in preparing for board meetings are justified by the ensuing dialogue and decisions.
Chief Executive Group exists to improve the performance of U.S. CEOs, senior executives and public-company directors, helping you grow your companies, build your communities and strengthen society. Learn more at chiefexecutivegroup.com.