4 Ways Directors Can Fend Off Short-Termism
The CEO alone can only do so much in positioning his or her company for the long-term. All parts of the company must do their part, including the board. Here are four steps directors can take.
The CEO alone can only do so much in positioning his or her company for the long-term. All parts of the company must do their part, including the board. Here are four steps directors can take.
When it comes to having a keen sense of corporate culture, too many boardrooms have a reactionary game plan. Learn how directors can start getting proactive.
Over the last decade S&P 500 CEO participation on outside boards has dropped from 52 percent to 37 percent, which corporate governance experts deem a healthy trend.
Based on dozens of discussions this past year with boardroom stakeholders, including proxy advisors, directors, and active and passive investors, corporate directors can expect unprecedented challenges in the year ahead.
Chief Executive Group exists to improve the performance of U.S. CEOs, senior executives and public-company directors, helping you grow your companies, build your communities and strengthen society. Learn more at chiefexecutivegroup.com.