Directors on Midterms, Elections and How the Outcome Impacts Business
With all the talk surrounding the upcoming midterm elections and the impact governmental policies have on business, public company board members aren’t putting too much
Corporate Board Member conducts survey-based research throughout the year to gather firsthand accounts from public company board members on shifting boardroom strategy discussions and processes. We also offer a timely look into boardroom sentiment with our Director Confidence Index, a monthly flash poll of board members on the economy and top-of-mind issues.
Every year, Corporate Board Member surveys U.S. public company board members to take their pulse on the issues that are most prominent in the boardroom for the year to come and the strategies companies are implementing to overcome the biggest challenges ahead.
Talent strategy is crucial for driving overall business success. In a rapidly changing environment, resilience and transformation depend on empowered, adaptive leaders and an engaged workforce.
In spring 2024, EY and Corporate Board Member surveyed over 150 U.S. public company directors across various industries to explore how they govern talent, the most impactful people oversight practices, and the challenges they face.
Finding and retaining top talent is increasingly challenging due to tight labor markets and shifting workforce priorities like work-life balance. Private companies struggle to compete with public companies, especially regarding equity-based compensation. However, using creative compensation, noncash rewards, training, and career development can help attract and retain employees. Combining compensation with development opportunities allows employees to see a future at private companies that public companies may not offer.
What makes a great board? To answer that question, RHR International and Corporate Board Member partnered to survey more than 400 directors at U.S. public companies in December 2023 and January 2024 and compared the answers from those at top-performing companies against the rest of the group.
Following a multiyear global healthcare crisis that pushed medical professionals to their limits, heavy turnover and a talent pipeline shortage continue to plague healthcare organizations, large and small. At a recent roundtable co-sponsored by Chief Executive and Pearl Meyer, industry executives discussed the best way to develop that strategy.
With all the talk surrounding the upcoming midterm elections and the impact governmental policies have on business, public company board members aren’t putting too much
A survey of 300 public company board members shows the landscape for ESG is evolving, though it remains a secondary concern that directors say is “important but not pressing.”
In their rush to digital, companies may be leaving opportunities on the table. Areas like tax and accounting are often overlooked, creating potential for costly risks down the road.
Chief Executive Group exists to improve the performance of U.S. CEOs, senior executives and public-company directors, helping you grow your companies, build your communities and strengthen society. Learn more at