Piloting Change: Top 10 Attributes Of Transformation CEOs
As companies face the need to transform frequently, having the right kind of leader becomes even more critical for success.
As companies face the need to transform frequently, having the right kind of leader becomes even more critical for success.
From intensifying shareholder expectations to ever-evolving technology and pricing strategies, directors share insights on navigating the cross-currents facing today’s boards.
Boeing’s board deserves credit for decisive choice of an experienced outsider CEO to execute what will be an extremely difficult turnaround.
Janow was recognized by peers for successfully leading Mastercard’s CEO transition and cybersecurity efforts.
From sports achievement and political stardom to stellar service in corporate boardrooms, J.C. Watts shares the elements of an approach that has made him America’s top value-creating director. ‘If there’s no integrity, strategy doesn’t matter.’
A recent study suggests that many corporate board members and management executives are unhappy with their company’s current board composition.
Chief Executive Group exists to improve the performance of U.S. CEOs, senior executives and public-company directors, helping you grow your companies, build your communities and strengthen society. Learn more at chiefexecutivegroup.com.