If you’re a Board Member or a C-Suite executive, you know cyber risk is now personal. It impacts every leader in every industry. No one is immune. From employees to customers and third-party vendors, every company is a target—whether they know it or not.
When a cyber breach occurs, the downsides are enormous. Not just corporate liability but fierce risks to your personal reputation and finances. No one wants to end up in the headlines or the crosshairs of angry investors or customers on social media.
Successfully tackling this challenge starts with you. Whether you’re a director or an executive, being smarter on cyber is about a new level of knowledge: asking better questions, pushing harder on experts and above all mastering the practical strategies that protect your shareholders, employees, customers—and you.
41% of directors say the issue they find most challenging to oversee in their role is cybersecurity–the top issue, ahead of talent and culture.
Cybersecurity is also the area where 75% of directors are most concerned about their company confronting a crisis.
80% of U.S.-based CIOs surveyed rated the threat level of a cyberattack or data breach for their organization as major to severe, on our 10-point scale.
53% of CIOs say remote or hybrid work arrangements increase the risk of cyber attacks or data breaches.
When it comes to cybersecurity, bad things can happen to good leaders all the time. This 3-part online Cyber Risk Series can help you:
Registration is complimentary. Sign up for one workshop or all three!
From operational disruption to shareholder lawsuits to stock devaluation to customer loss, cyber breaches have caused major financial loss for many companies. Many organizations are undertaking Cyber Risk Quantification efforts as a way of managing their financial exposure. How should boards evaluate these initiatives? Who should be involved?
Blockchain, IoT, 5G and other rapidly changing technologies provide immense opportunities and sometimes immeasurable exposures to their organizations. Adopting new technologies is not optional. But how you prepare for their impact can distinguish you from your competitors. And at the heart of that preparation is cybersecurity.
As disruption has become the norm, board and C-Suite conversations have turned from guarding against cyber-attacks to becoming more resilient in the face of them. From building a robust incident response plan to creating a cyber-aware culture and training your employees, veteran security executives will share tips to help your board futureproof your cybersecurity approach.
Chief Executive Group exists to improve the performance of U.S. CEOs, senior executives and public-company directors, helping you grow your companies, build your communities and strengthen society. Learn more at chiefexecutivegroup.com.